3. Inventories & Balances

  3.1. Balance & Operation Verification   3.A. Balances / Classic Reports   How to create: Trial Balance. Example
    3.B. USALI reports   How to create: Operations Account. Example
  3.3. Balance & Operation by Month   3.C. JMP reports   How to create: Profit & Loss Account. Example
  3.4. Cross-Check Balance & Operation     Mexican Balance Sheet
  3.5. Balance & Operation Accumulated   3.E. Inventory Special Accounts   Mexican Income Statement
  3.6. Comp. Accounting Balance & Operation   3.F. Dimensional Units   Colombia Income Statement
  3.7. Balance Per Reconcilable Element   3.G. Entries checking by Reconcilable Element   Colombia Balance Sheet
  3.8. Cumulative Evolution of Balances per Month   3.H. Half days Payment.   Chile Income Statement
  3.9. Template Management   3.I. Old balances.   Chile Balance Sheet
      Peru Income Statement
      Peru Balance Sheett